Sunday, September 29, 2013

You had me at "50 cents"

What's Playing: Gunplay - AC Slater

This past weekend was the first I spent up here in Pennsylvania away from my New Yorkers. It was a fun weekend, but there was wayyyy too much downtime for my busy self.

Yet with all the free time came opportunities to reflect on the little slice of, uh, "paradise" that is Bethlehem. A constant surprise I am always greeted by are the vacant streets, which makes our college campus seem more like a ghost town then anything.

Indeed when I woke up from my slumber this beautiful Sunday afternoon I was surprised, yet I would be lying to say shocked, that I didn't see anybody roaming around the streets. Can you blame them though? With nothing else to do here besides eat and maybe gamble away your weekly allowance at the Sands, why head outdoors?

It's something I don't think I will ever understand, the appeal of a house. Being inside all day never really was my thing, and I don't really plan on adding it to my repertoire of hobbies. I try to get out of my humble shack on East 5th street as often as I can, yet many times I see the only destination for a city-born soul like me is.....drum roll.... Pantry 1 Food Mart :)

Now its hard to compete with the greatest city in the world on any level, but Bethlehem does a pretty good job for what it's worth in the snack department. Now in NYC there are plenty of stores, but my mouth stays loyal to 7-11. Now you may be asking "why Alex? In a sea of so many options why choose the chain?" Well, my worried reader, everywhere else in NYC has turned to some "gourmet/ organic/ one of a kind" snack stand/deli and I'm not about that life.

Especially ever since Lay's changed the price of potato chips to $1.09, which is utter blasphemy I'm aware, I have been loyal to 7-11. But in this battle between 7-11 and P1, it pains me to say but I give the advantage to P1. Now both have the wide array of snack goodness, from chips to sweets. But the X-FACTOR is a girl by the name of Little Debbie. My past year has shown me how great of a girl she is, providing delicious snacks for non-NYC prices. So as I unwrap another Oatmeal Cream Pie, I must say that Bethlehem evens the score, 2-2.

Decisions, Decisions...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lemme Get A Slice Of...

What's Playing: Drop The Pressure (Jack Beats Remix) - Project Bassline

Today in class we had a nice discussion about the social media strategy of Domino's Pizza. It was an interesting discussion and it got me thinking, when do I EVER eat Domino's Pizza?

When I'm not in the city.

Now don't get me wrong, I have indulged on chicken kickers, cinnastix, and plenty of thin-crust bacon pizzas during my Pennsylvania excursions. But at the same time, nothing beats that overpriced $3- something taste of a New York slice.

Pizza is one of the many things that a NYer obsesses over (bagels, I'll save for another time). Rightly so, might I add. Even though the cost of living is beyond absurd (I mean since when is one-topping easily 3+ bucks) the taste and consistency is what separates our 'za from wack Italian toast you see other places.

Some people can't do it, but I will happily eat that $3 charge and, well, eat. If for some odd reason I ever became a vegetarian, pizza would be 2 of my 3 daily meals, fact.

As I sit here munching on some bland crust, I'm happy to give NYC the lead, 2-1.

Where's that sanitary inspection grade...

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Blessed Curse of Boredom

What's Playing: Taito - Mord Fustang

As I sit here patiently watching the download of iOS 7, the boredom that is Pennsylvania. Once classes are over for the day, there is only so much you can do in Bethlehem.

I feel as if New Yorkers have a hard time grasping the concept of "home" sometimes. Rather, home is seen as a pit-stop in the constantly moving society. Yet this "free time" has led me to realize the glory that is...

 Netflix is just one of the many devices us 610 folk use as reallll time killers. TV, yes. No commercials, YES. Cheap as hell, YES! No more dealing with Time Warner Cable, this honestly calls for a celebration. While in NYC my life has been plagued by this demon, but finally I have found the golden apple.

My iOS 7 is finally here, and it looks glorious. I shall return to my land of commercial free television and savor this night, for tomorrow marks the weekend and another trip to relentless 212.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The serious side of me, just once I promise.

As I sit down to write you all from my desk in Pennsylvania, every bit of me wishes I was back home, but I guess you knew that already.

Still, this day is very special to every American, but really hits home with New Yorkers. 12 years ago today the Twin Towers in my lovely city were brought down by terrorists. I remember the day as if it were yesterday. One minute pleasantly sitting in my middle school history class at the Collegiate School, and the next a school wide meeting unites all of my classmates in the auditorium.

Our headmaster told us the tragic news, and the room fell silent you could hear a pindrop. The mixture of shock, disgust, and sadness covered my classmates. We remained calm, and were dismissed from class, but I will never forget the heartache I had hearing names of fellow classmates being called out and asked to stay behind.

Many of my friends had family members working in the WTC, some survived and some didn't it is the brutal truth. Every year since then I have reached out my friends that have lost family on this day and catch up.

Blessings are given, but more importantly a strong bond has been made over the years. It gives me hope in New Yorkers and Americans in general. So I ask you to say a prayer, or better yet reach out to someone you know affected by this tragic day, you might even enjoy it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A New Routine & NYC 1, Bethlehem 0

I have never really had a "routine" in my life, or at least not by choice.

Growing up in Manhattan I've simply dealt with the fact that my life is quite spontaneous, yet I have enjoyed every moment of it. However, there is always one factor of almost every born and raised Manhattanite's life that seems to force some type of scheduled restraint, school.

I happen to be in the pleasant predicament of still being in school, but I'm making the most of Bethlehem, thank you for asking. This current "routine" of mine, both being and class and weekly trips home, has shown me the green grass on both sides and I think it is time I share the scores with you all.

After waking up this morning in my apartment, I leave my lobby to to see this:
Street Fair? Why not.

Enough said, NYC 1 - Bethlehem 0.

OH, in case you missed the shocking introduction into my entertaining life, check it out: